5 Basic Lawn Care Tips for Beginners - Blog - Canada Profile

5 Basic Lawn Care Tips for Beginners

By: Paige Jackson

Maintaining a healthy green lawn require a commitment to quality lawn care throughout the year. Homeowners across Canada struggle in keeping lush green grass throughout the seasons. By consulting with professionals, this high level of appeal can be maintained and the true value of your home yard space can be maximized. Within this latest post we’ll take a look at five lawn care tips from the experts.

1. Spend Time Raking Before Snowfall

Here in Ontario, we receive significant snowfall throughout the winter months. It’s important to prepare your lawn space for the winter snow by raking the leaves in the area. Leaves left on your lawn during the winter time begin to soak up the moisture from the lawn space and dry out your soil. Not only does this provide the ideal conditions for insects to thrive within your lawn, but it also may leave spots of dead grass in your lawn when the snow recedes in the spring. Spend a little time raking leaves before the first winter snowfall and you can play an important role in protecting the space throughout the year.

2. Undergo Professional Aeration

Professional aeration of your lawn space can help you boost the nutrient levels within the soil, supporting optimal growth throughout the area. This prevents compaction, which reduces the amount of air pockets in the soil and stops nutrients reaching the bottom soil layer. It’s best to book aeration services during the fall season, to give your lawn and soil the best chance to receive all the water and nutrients it needs through the fall and winter months.

3. Commit to Over-Seeding

In new lawns, the grass has the requisite seeds it needs to maintain reproduction rates and keep a healthy appearance. But once the grass gains in age, the reproduction rates slow significantly. And this means you’ll have to over-seed the lawn space in order to maintain the same level of lush green appeal. Spread new grass seed over your entire lawn space before the winter time, and your grass will then be able to survive the winter and grow effectively during the warmer spring season. New grass will begin to fill any unhealthy spots on the lawn as you add more seeds to the space.

4. Try to Mow Twice a Week

During the early summer months of May and June, mowing your lawn twice a week will help to keep your grass thicker and healthier over the ensuing months. It’s also important to keep your blades as sharp as possible and to cut at a height of six to eight centimeters. Avoid mowing every two weeks as this can cause your lawn to thin out, particularly during the summer months.

5. Water Your Lawn Each Week

We know that rainfall is always superior to tap water when it comes to watering your lawn, but during the summer when there’s little rainfall, you should try to water your lawn at least once a week. If your lawn hasn’t been subject to a rain downfall in a few weeks, you might consider using your home sprinkler to spread moisture over the grass and ensure it remains healthy ready for the next rainfall. Using sprinklers or spraying water from the hose over each area of the lawn for 15-20 minutes per week should be enough to keep the space healthy between rain showers.

By following the guidance in this post, you can make sure your lawn remains a healthy and lush green throughout the year. Remember to contact your local lawn care specialists if you have any questions about your home lawn care needs!